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Testimonials: Testimonials
Happy Children

Nila C., Parent

 Katherine is a phenomenal Speech Therapist. She worked with both my kids (2.5 years apart) through the Early Intervention process. When my younger daughter needed speech therapy I sought out Katherine again without question. She is smart, creative, professional and extremely experienced. At the age of 19months, Katherine started working with my younger daughter as she was deemed a late talker developmentally. At 2 years old my daughter was eventually diagnosed with special needs and didn't speak more than 3 words together. Because of this, she would often tantrum out of frustration as it affected her desire to speak, to socialize and to be understood. Katherine worked diligently with my daughter in our home and also worked with her in her preschool - something that Katherine suggested, so that she could facilitate group speaking and interaction with my daughter and her peers. By the time my daughter turned 3, she was speaking clearly and in full sentences. Now she can't stop talking ! (Neither of my daughters actually !). My younger one is no longer deemed a child with a social disability and that's largely because of her speech. I cannot say enough great things about Katherine. Her therapy, her advice over the years, the exercises and strategies she used with my kids and the ones she suggested I use during the week, allowed my kids to thrive. I'm 'one of those moms', (aka very picky) who won't settle for anything but the best for my kids. I 100% lucked out with Katherine. All her clients have !

Tutoring Session


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